Easter – The Holiday that Unites Us

Coordonator: Romania Parteneri: Republica Moldova, Bosnia-Herțegovina, Italia, Turcia, Albania, Armenia Obiective: Cultural awareness and expression: Children will have the chance to get acquainted with the diversity of European cultures, to develop positive values...

The Citizens of The Bluegreensphere

Coordonator: Grecia Parteneri: Turcia, Grecia, România Obiective: to explore how many wastes you product, does the earth can provide our need, how much our is our foot- and water-print, distinguish recycled and nor recycled materials, develop positive thinkig for...


Coordonator: Italia Parteneri: Italia, Grecia, România, Franța, Turcia, Albania, Germania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Belgia, Portugalia, Spania, Iordania Obiective: Exchange of correspondence / letters • Present yourself by describing yourself and your context • Promote the...

The Weather Calendar

Coordonator: Turcia Parteneri: Turcia, România, Franța, Lituania, Italia, Spania, Bulgaria, Armenia, Macedonia de Nord Obiective: Children want to know about the changing weather and the nature in different counties. We want to know similarities and...

The Little Envoys of The Nature

Coordonator: Turcia Parteneri: Turcia, România, Italia, Spania, Franța, Grecia, Obiective: The pupils will be aware of the nature and natural problems. -They will learn how to protect the environment. -They will love the earth they live in. -They will raise...

Stay Home! Learn From Home!

Coordonatori: •România, Italia Parteneri: România, Spania, Portugalia, Italia, Albania, Armenia, Turcia, Polonia, Germania,  Republica Moldova, Slovacia, Grecia, Serbia, Lituania, Franța, Bulgaria, Ucraina , Croația Objective:- developing key competences, especially...
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